"McBee as bass as they get, thank goodness - The jazz bass is suddenly very, very hot and Cecil McBee is ready to ride the tide.
Cecil McBee is one of the aces of bass." 
( Greg Gadberry/ "Portland Press Herald" )

"McBee is so stunning an ensemble and individual performer - he's almost embarrassing to describe"
( John Scarborough/ "Houston Chronicle" )

"Cecil McBee's solo (on 'Love') is one of the finest articulations I've ever heard on record !" 
( Cole/ DOWNBEAT )

"During the last few years bassists have explored the possibilities long unimaginable on this instrument, 
but McBee almost entirely renews it."  
( Montreaux Riviera )

"If the bassist ( Cecil McBee) ever gets a solo album, he should floor everyone!" 
( Rusch/ DOWNBEAT )